- Keywords are accessible from the menu bar and the risk assessment worksheets.
- Search bar for ease of selection on all Keyword input screens from the menu bar.
- Keywords display alphabetically.
- All Keywords can be edited, once edited the changed content is immediately available for selection.
- Duplicate Keywords cannot be entered.
- Keywords can be applied to all risk assessment worksheets.
- Keywords save you time when compiling your risk assessment worksheets.
- Specific Keyword selection for HAZID – worksheet ‘Applicable’ column.
- Specific Keyword selection for HAZOP – worksheet ‘Guideword’ column.
- Specific Keyword selection for HIRA – worksheet ‘Hazard and Consequence columns.
- Specific Keyword selection for TRA – worksheet ‘Hazard, Consequence, PPE Requirement, Safety Precaution columns.
- PPE Requirement and Safety Precaution Keywords display on the Task Risk Assessment summary / cover page.
- Specific Keyword selection for Risk Register – worksheet ‘Area / Function and Sub-Area’ columns
- Risk Register Area / Function and Sub-Area Keywords are linked, Sub-Area selection is made from Area / Function related content.
- Risk Register Sub-Area Keywords can only be selected if an Area / Function Keyword has been selected.
- Add any number of Keywords to each Keyword category.
- Keywords are stored in a user generated library.
- Keywords can be added to the library from the menu bar or risk assessment worksheet.
- Keywords added to the library are available for immediate selection across all projects.
- Prefix can be applied to Keywords to aide selection.
- Keywords can be single or multiple words.
- Keywords ‘pop up’ presents the Keyword listing when the corresponding risk assessment worksheet column is selected.
- Keywords are added to the risk assessment worksheet by ticking the selection box.
- Keyword columns on risk assessment worksheets will auto-populate with the chosen content once selected.
- Multiple Keywords can be added to Keyword columns in HAZID, HAZOP, HIRA, TRA.
- Single selection Keywords can only be added to the Risk Register.
- Keywords added from the risk assessment worksheet columns can be added to the library or to the current row.
- Keywords added to the current row are not added to the library.
- Add content to Keyword libraries that is project specific with marked content available for selection in specific projects.