- Add any number of TRA to a project.
- TRA overview shown in the dashboard.
- Assessment List shows all TRA in a project including the Revision, Stage, Review Date, Residual Risk Score and Status of all content.
- Immediately see which TRA should be prioritised from the colour coded Residual Risk Scoring in the Assessment List.
- Status statistics show Worksheet actions that are Open, Ongoing or Closed.
- Donut charts show the Stage statistics [the number of Draft, In Review & Approved TRA in a project] and the Residual Risk Scores for each Worksheet by Stage.
- See the Risk Acceptance Level defined in the Project RC Matrix to better understand the Residual Risk Scores.
- Edit the Project RC Matrix, changes made to the RC Matrix are immediately updated in the Worksheets, statistics and Risk Acceptance Level.
- Retired TRA don’t show in the statistics.
- Retired TRA can be returned to an earlier Stage and re-used.
- Approve or change the TRA to an earlier Stage.
- Select Review Periods and the Review Date will auto-assign.
- Review periods can be left empty, and the Review Date will display as ‘Not Set’
- Warning displayed when Review Dates are set to expire within 30 days and once expired.
- Add Notes to a TRA, edit notes to any Stage TRA without the revision updating.
- Document numbers are auto assigned based on document criteria and information.
- Assign ‘Responsible’ from the list of project members or add free text.
- Individual TRA Status showing Open, Ongoing and Closed actions are shown on the TRA Summary.
- Add PPE Requirement / Safety Precaution Keywords and Descriptions. Save them to the Keyword Library for use on other TRA worksheets and projects or just add them to the current TRA.
- Print / export TRA to a local printer or to PDF [browser / print dependent].
- Print / export TRA with or without the RC Matrix.
- Worksheets are printed / exported with a summary page detailing all the specific information relevant to the assessment.
- Provide Guest Access to non-RISKUL subscribers to allow for viewing and print / export of selected RAM Worksheets.
- Copy TRA to other projects. RISKUL removes project specific content that isn’t applicable in the destination project.
- Copied TRA CQ, PR, RCQ, RPR levels will default to low when copied ensuring the RC Matrix content for the destination project is used.
- Copy individual worksheet rows to other unapproved TRA within the same project.
- Sequential revision change to a TRA when the Stage is changed to Approved.
- Worksheets are locked from editing once Approved.
- Approved Worksheets can be returned to an earlier stage by an Editor or Approver.
- Readers can view content but can’t edit.
- Only Project Admin can delete RAM.
- Specifically designed layout and header columns incorporated into the Worksheet.
- Adjust the Worksheet column widths to suit your screen size.
- Save, discard, undo or redo changes made to a Worksheet.
- Re-order the Worksheet by moving rows up / down the Worksheet. Order retained for print / export.
- Use multiple filters on TRA worksheets to focus on key areas.
- Sequential row Id numbering when adding a new row to a Worksheet.
- Worksheet row content can be edited at any time by assigned Users providing the TRA isn’t Approved.
- Hazard and Consequence columns are Keyword entry, select content from your pre-configured Keyword library.
- Select Consequence, Probability and Residual Risk options on the Worksheet from the RC Matrix pop-up.
- Select multiple keywords for inclusion if required.
- Add Keywords that will only show on the current TRA row.
- Add Keywords and add them to the Keyword Library for use on other TRA worksheets and projects.
- Free text columns in Worksheets allow you to add content as you require.
- Change the Status to Open, Ongoing or Closed depending on the condition of the action.
- Delete row content that is no longer relevant.
- Rows don’t re-number once a row has been deleted. Row references to specific row Id numbers will be retained.
- Worksheets are Locked from editing when another user is making changes.
- Optimised screen size is available when working in a Worksheet.
- Select ‘At Risk’ from the Risk Classification Matrix ‘Assessment Category’ or add a free text entry for specific content.